Three highlights telecoms career opportunities for young people
Reimagined Learning offers university students all expenses paid training at Three’s head office in Maidenhead. The tables are then turned and participants deliver workshops to secondary school age children on the career opportunities in the telecommunications sector.
The course is unique because it partners the university students with Three UK staff allowing them both to build their professional network, presentation skills and confidence. The training concludes with a final presentation to senior leaders of the business.
Three trialled the course during 2015 with a total of 346 GCSE students taking part with four out of five saying the course had improved their interest in a career in telecoms. The programme is managed in partnership with MyKindaFuture, an organisation which connects young people with employers.
Applications are now open for the first edition of 2016 which takes place in March and April. Students are welcome to apply from any part of the country with travel and accommodation paid for by Three. Up to 40 university students and 1000 GSCE pupils will take part in the programme in 2016.
Studies have shown less than half of teachers and students in the 14-16 year groups are aware of the career opportunities in the STEM industries (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
Three people and customer director, Amanda Lambert, said: “We need to inspire more young people to consider a career in telecoms and technology. The students taking part have been full of enthusiasm and new ideas, demonstrating the benefits they could bring to our business in the future.”
Divya Jeyabalan, a university student who took part in the programme, added: “The course has taught me to never just stick to the status quo and to always explore new opportunities. Not only has it built my confidence, it has also opened my eyes to the possibility of a career in telecoms.”
Students can apply to take part via
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Three Corporate PR team
07454 959 715
- About Three
Three is a communications company. We are focused on making mobile better for everyone.
We want to give customers a quality mobile experience and address the industry issues that frustrate them.
We continue to look at ways of improving the experience we offer our customers.
Three carries 42% of the UK’s mobile data. Our network covers 98% of the UK population.
Three UK is a member of CK Hutchison Holdings which also has investments in mobile operations in Australia, Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Macau, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Vietnam.
Three employs over 4,400 people across its offices in Maidenhead, Glasgow and Reading and its 347 retail stores.
For more information visit
- About MyKindaFuture
MyKindaFuture work with over 4,500 schools and have societies in over 50 University campuses. Trusted by students and educators alike, with over 32 years’ experience working with young people and their influencers.
MyKindaFuture help employers reach the next generation of talent from school leavers to graduates, and recruits them on to work experience, internship, apprenticeship and graduate programmes. They use a mix of face-to-face workshops, online challenges and rich video content.