Brits confess their biggest travel fears ahead of Easter get-away

As families prepare to brace themselves for the great Easter holiday get-away, new research* from Three UK today revealed that when it comes to going on holiday fear of losing your passport and bad weather are the two biggest worries** for today’s British traveller.

With fear of racking up mobile roaming bills, lack of sun loungers and failed holiday romances no longer being such modern-day concerns, losing your luggage, falling ill or staying in poor accommodation make up the rest of the top five worries. 

However, travel worries vary across the country:

·       The Northern Irish and Brummies most likely to worry about bad weather (44% of both regions) 

·       Geordies are most likely to worry about being stranded in poor accommodation (37%)

·       Scots are most likely to worry about losing their luggage (30%) 

·       Yorkshire folk worry most about losing their mobile phone (22%)

As the number one network for roaming*** and in a bid to free its customers from such worries, Three recently announced 11 new worldwide destinations to join its Go Roam offering – meaning its customers can use their phone abroad at no extra cost, in a total of 71 worldwide destinations.

Not taking a mobile on holiday is a massive fail according to the study. In fact, one in four (27%) said they wouldn’t even bother to go on holiday without one and half (49%) admitted that to it helped bring out their adventurous side. This is most important for younger millennials (16-24 year olds), with one fifth (20%) confessing that they would rather get food poisoning than lose their mobile phone abroad.

The mobile phone has become the perfect travel companion, as 70% of females surveyed said they used their mobile device to capture memories and photos of their trip, and a third (33%) of younger millennials said they used it to get tips on what to see and do to ensure they got their most from their trip.

Jasmine Skee, Director of Propositions at Three UK: “We love the fact that our mobiles make us more adventurous on holiday and that’s why here at Three we’re committed to giving our customers the best possible experiences away from home. Our ambition is simple – we want to free our customers to do more and have more fun, whilst offering roaming worldwide at no extra cost.”

Notes to Editors

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