Reconnected: Helping transform learning in schools

Thanks to a donation of devices through our partner LetsLocalise, we are proud that our Reconnected scheme continues to open up new opportunities for children who previously lacked access to technology, supporting their learning journeys along the way.

We spoke to three school headteachers who were in receipt of the devices, to understand the different ways that the scheme is helping to bridge the digital divide.

Could you tell us about a bit about yourself and the devices your school has received?

Nigel: I have been a head teacher at my school for 8 years, 12 years in total at the school. I love the place and am very proud of it. Despite being in a deprived area and with many families facing difficult situations, we have an inclusive and supportive school that focusses as much on personal development as academic development. Donations and support such as these devices allows us to support those struggling financially or with mental health – or both.

Oliver: 50% of our school are FSM (free school meals) and so there is a significant challenge for families. The families that received the devices were able to support their children with homework and learning so that has been great to witness a change there.

Michelle: We are an all-inclusive special needs school; our department supports post 16 students with additional learning needs. The donation of devices has begun the process of future proofing our curriculum, teaching our young people real world skills, both the challenges and pitfalls.

Has there been any standout memories or momenta when you realised the difference having the device has made?

Oliver: Parents engaging with the school and responding to weekly emails that they otherwise would not have had the chance to see, has been very rewarding. It has enabled the parents to be more informed and feel connected.

Nigel: The students that received the devices loved them as they are now wanting to go to/from school independently but couldn’t as they didn’t have a phone – so this has allowed that to happen. This will support them moving forward with transition into secondary also. We have given the phones to the students, and we are so grateful for them.

One girl was particularly excited. She is a sweet girl who loves school but at times her attendance has been low due to family issues, and she gets upset when she can’t get to school. This is allowing her that independence and her attendance has hugely improved.

A huge thanks to everyone who took part, and who helped the devices reach the schools!

How you can donate

Complete the form found on our website here.

Three is committed to building a better connected world to enable a more sustainable and inclusive future. As part of Sustainable Connections, our Sustainability strategy, this initiative helps our goal to ‘create a thriving digital economy’ with our target digital inclusion.



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