Maisie Williams admits blackspots made her life Hell

Global TV superstar Maisie Williams is no stranger to experimenting with her beauty regime. She often posts selfies in facemasks or with multi-coloured eyebrows but the 19-year-old Emmy-nominated star’s latest beauty confession is, that she suffers with blackspots.

Though you might justifiably think she’s talking about skin blemishes, what Maisie is actually referring to is blackspots, the name given to areas where mobile signal struggles to reach.

In a spoof parody of the typical cliché beauty commercial for mobile network, Three UK, Maisie jokes about her blackspots. Maisie talks us through how Three helped her overcome the trauma of these ‘blackspots’ that left her feeling, ‘down and alone’ and ‘totally disconnected’ from her partying friends. 

The teenager even joked that there were times when she felt ‘like the loneliest person alive’ before Three introduced its new 4G Super-Voice (4GSV) technology that ‘zaps’ away troublesome blackspots. 4GSV enables mobile signal to drive through thick walls and into those hard to reach areas such as shopping centres and supermarkets, so just like Maisie, you can stay connected. 

Lianne Norry, director of brand and communications at Three said: “We’ve absolutely loved working with Maisie on this campaign and were genuinely excited that she agreed to be involved. From the moment we approached her with the idea she was on board, up for the gag, and she contributed significantly to how it developed.

“Every network suffers from the occasional blackspot but our new 4G Super-Voice technology is eradicating the problem for Three customers, so it’s becoming a thing of the past. Maisie has helped us to turn a technical topic on its head by parodying a very familiar cliché!”

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Three is a communications company. We are focused on making mobile better for everyone.

We want to give customers a quality mobile experience and address the industry issues that frustrate them.

We continue to look at ways of improving the experience we offer our customers.

Three carries 39% of the UK’s mobile data. Our network covers 98% of the UK population.

Three UK is a member of CK Hutchison Holdings, which also has investments in mobile operations in Australia, Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Macau, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Vietnam.

Three employs over 4,400 people across its offices in Maidenhead, Glasgow and Reading and its 347 retail stores.

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