Can Britain’s phone addicts go cold turkey for a day?

Christmas comes but once a year. However, as with the other 364 days between Santa’s visits, some people will experience the special day via their smartphone. Of course, it’s not their fault they choose Instagram instead of Gran, or prefer FaceTime to family time. It’s because they have an addiction. They can’t put their phones down, no matter the occasion. They need help.


So how can a generation be snapped out of Snapchat and torn away from Twitter, for a single day? Well in a move that may seem odd for a company whose entire existence revolves around the use of mobile devices, Three is today challenging millions of people to literally do anything but use their phones and devices on Christmas Day. In other words – go #ColdTurkey and properly enjoy the wonders of a delicious Christmas dinner, paper hats and watching TV repeats with loved ones.


To drive home the importance of its Christmas Day device ‘amnesty’, and act as the intervention smartphone junkies desperately need, Three has produced a short film. Revealing a Britain afflicted with extreme device addiction, it highlights how people will go to incredible lengths just to get their next smartphone fix.


The scenes in the film mimic situations that everyone will recognise although hopefully not to the extremes shown. For instance a ‘phone addict’ unplugging the Christmas lights in desperation because they’ve run out of battery power.. Or the person that answers his phone interrupting his group Christmas carols mid-song without a second thought. And then there is the girl that’s patiently waiting under the mistletoe only for the prospective kiss to amble by engrossed in his WhatsApp conversation.


The film can be viewed on Three’s Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages – just don’t watch it on Christmas Day, obviously.


Lianne Norry, director of brand and communications at Three, said: “We all know people who are literally glued to their phone even on Christmas day. We obviously love mobile at Three but we think spending time with family and friends is more important sometimes. So why not turn the phone off this Christmas and go Cold Turkey just for one day.”


Notes to Editors

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Three is a communications company. We are focused on making mobile better for everyone.

We want to give customers a quality mobile experience and address the industry issues that frustrate them.

We continue to look at ways of improving the experience we offer our customers.

Three carries 39% of the UK’s mobile data. Our network covers 98% of the UK population.

Three UK is a member of CK Hutchison Holdings, which also has investments in mobile operations in Australia, Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Macau, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Vietnam.

Three employs over 4,400 people across its offices in Maidenhead, Glasgow and Reading and its 347 retail stores.

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